CDEFs modified from Jim Stouts and Paul Celestins. LDEF code based on Matt Slot's. Floating window support by a piece of code from Matthias Wuttke and F. Pottier. Live Scrolling of channel text from a snippet by Jean-Yves Bernier. Drag-n-Drop support by a piece from Greg Robbins. smIRCle is a big 'thank you' to Olaf, whose original ircle gave me some fine hours on the net. This program uses the (modified) TCP-interfaces by Peter 'Network' Lewis. If you find any flaws in the working of the program, or wish to express your opinion about it, send a mail to For help on IRC click: For help on commands type: This is smIRCle, a client to the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network for the Macintosh.